The recent meeting held by CDO's of Kathmandu valley has decided to remove the odd-even system from all kinds of vehicles that run inside the valley as per the suggestion from COVID-19 Crisis Management Committee (CCMC). The decision was taken late sunday night after receiving the suggestion from CCMC along with other important decisions.
The odd-even system for all kinds of vehicles except for some which includes the employees of Bank, hospitals, hotels and other important sectors. As per the last decision before subday, the CDO decided to remove the odd-even system from public vehicles and now odd-even system has been finally taken off.
The odd-even rule has been nothing but a trouble for the Nepalese for th last few weeks. The decision was taken few weeks back as concerned to the rapid increase in the daily new cases of COVID-19. The concerned authorities did try to implement smart lockdown woth the odd-even system which I believe did not help as it was supposed to.
While people were forced to use their private vehicles every alternate, many were forced to use the public vehicles on the other days- which indeed was not a good idea. With the limited number of publuc transportation, the general public of Kathmandu valley were no doubt be getting into trouble.
Well, there weren't any kind of shortage of public vehicles but some of them were filled. Talking about the covid-19 concerns, using such kind of public transport was more riskier, to be honest.
On the other hand, we can say that the odd-even system was implemented to lessen the crowd at the traffic. Well, it did limit the crowd at every traffic signal compared to normal days but having been out there myself on the odd-even system days, trust me, it was still crowded at every traffic signal or whenever a traffic police signals to stop. It still used to get crowded for a certain time.
Moving on, the public areas were somewhat crowded for some reason. Well, a little less than normal days but the streets were still crowded. So how would limiting the vehicles on the street by implementing odd-even system be of any use?
It would have been rather safe to use public vehicles during this time. The people inside the the valley, well most of them might have faced troubled during the odd-even system time period.
Now that the concerned authorities have finally decided to remove the odd-even system, I hope this system would not be implemented unless we have to go on a total lockdown. Well the daily new cases of COVID-19 are drecreasing and let us just hope for the best.