FAQs before traveling to Nepal in 2022 amid Omicron scare


Is Nepal open for tourists in 2022?

Nepal is open for all sorts of tourism activities for the visitors all around the globe (except with countries having high number of Omicron cases)  as of now. Trekking at the high mountains, hiking in Kathmandu, city tours, heritage tours, adventure sports like Bungee, paragliding, rafting, zipline, Bungee swing are operating smoothly in Nepal.

Can tourists get on arrival visa in 2022?

Fully vaccinated tourists can get on arrival visas at the entry point, except for the countries with the growing number of Omicron. Get more details about the on arrival visa and stay updated with the latest travel advisory as provided by immigration department of Nepal. 

However, the number of daily new cases of coronavirus seems to be increasing in the neighbouring countries. The Ministry of Health and Population (MoHP) and Coronavirus Crisis Management Committee (CCMC) has been constantly making the citizens aware about the safety protocols that are to be followed. 

Are the tourist services in operation and readily available?

Having said that, all services that accommodates tourists are in operation. Restaurants, local eateries, Hotels, Lodges, Resorts, Guest Houses, Travel agents, and the tourism departments are all in smooth operation as of now. So if you are traveling anytime soon in January then you might not need to worry about your accommodation imduring your trip in Nepal. 

With that all said, there are few things that the visitors needs to be aware about before they visit Nepal.

Will there be lockdown in Nepal due to Omicron Scare?

As  of now, No one knows the answer to this question. Things seems to be pretty much normal, well at least in Kathmandu. However, Nepal shares an open border with India, so with the number of COVID cases increasing in India, Nepal can expect the somewhat same but they can be prepared before that happens. 

So if you are traveling to Nepal in January, make sure you are updated with the latest travel advisory, entry protocols and most importantly get fully vaccinated before you visit. On top of that, plan a wise trip and find good hotels that can accomodate you even when there is a smart lockdown. 

What to do if you develop symptoms during your trip in Nepal?

The first thing to do if you develop symptoms of corona virus is to isolate yourself and get yourself tested. The most important thing to know before your trip to Nepal is to make sure that your travel insurance covers your COVID-19 treatment cost. As per the latest travel advisory, the treatment for the Coronavirus are to be borne by tourists themselves. 

How many Omicron cases are there in Nepal?

As of writing, MoHP has alerted that there are 24 new cases of Omicron found in Nepal which is the latest number. Before that there were 3 cases of the new variant which makes it a total of 27 total cases of Omicron. 

Source: (Ronb Nepal)

So if you are making a plan to visit Nepal in January then plan your trip wisely and come prepared with full vaccination. Having said this, Nepal is fully open to all sorts of tourism activities for visitors from different countries except for some. Department of Immigration, Nepal has mentioned that they might come up with new travel advisory that might include countries with growing Omicron cases.

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